Building two-way dialogue

with the community of Upper Stoney Creek

Welcome to the official site of the GFL Community Liaison Committee

GFL is holding Community Update Meetings on Zoom where community members will have the opportunity to hear how GFL is addressing odour issues at the Stoney Creek Regional Facility landfill and ask questions to GFL and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

The CLC provides an opportunity for two-way dialogue between GFL Environmental and the local community with regards to the GFL Stoney Creek Regional Facility (SCRF) in the former city of Stoney Creek, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The site is permitted to receive non-hazardous, residual materials. To learn more, visit the SCRF website here.

The specific mandate of the CLC can be found in the official CLC Terms of Reference, as outlined in the site's Certificate of Approval.

The committee meets on a quarterly basis to discuss operational and other items related to the SCRF. The committee is comprised of citizen members from the local community immediately, and representatives from GFL, the City of Hamilton, and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Interested in Joining the CLC?

We are always looking for interested candidates to join the Community Liaison Committee (CLC) as positions come available.  The CLC members are community members interested in the GFL Stoney Creek Regional Facility who meet quarterly to review operational details.  Please contact the administrator at [email protected].

Annual Highlights Report

Annually, GFL releases an Annual Highlights Report of the operating facility which summarizes the details for the previous year including CLC meetings, community complaints, and tonnes of waste received. You can view the latest Highlight Report here.



View minutes from the most recent CLC meeting.

The next CLC meeting will be held Monday March 3.

Please click the link to register for the ZOOM call.


SCRF INformation

Fact sheets, diagrams, reports and photos providing more information regarding the GFL Stoney Creek Regional Facility can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Click here →